Sign up now for’s Giveaway
Want to win some cash by visiting the Blog site?
Announcing funafar’s cash giveaway as seen in What To Do Vail Magazine….
Try the Funafar Website
and win up to $300.00 cash.
Winning is as easy as 1. 2. 3.
Win up to $300.00 just for trying the Vail [WINDOWS-1252?]Valley’s best vacation planning Web site. Visit between November 1, 2008 and June 1, 2009 and complete any of the following contest steps, and you will be entered to win up to $300.00. We will contact the winners by email on June 15, 2009.*
Step 1. Register Win up to $100.00 by logging onto and creating a user account. This secure account allows you to save coupons, events and activity information. Secure log in. (No Junk Mail.) Only one account will be eligible per person.
Step 2. Save Win up to $100.00 by using our new resort coupon feature. While logged onto your user account go to the coupons section of and select a
coupon/s or offer/s of interest. Then save them to your user account. Each person that saves any coupons during the contest will be entered once to win $100.00.
Step 3. Contact Win up to $100.00 for emailing. Select the [WINDOWS-1252?]“contact [WINDOWS-1252?]us” button on and send us an email with the words [WINDOWS-1252?]“ the Vail [WINDOWS-1252?]Valley’s best Web site [WINDOWS-1252?]contest.” Please, feel free to let us know what you think of the site or include a suggestion for something you would like to see added to the site. Each person that sends us an email during the contest will be entered once to win $100.00.
Contestants will be selected at random from all of the participants that complete any
of the three contest steps. One entry per person per contest step. One $100.00 prize
will be awarded for each step unless the first contestant selected has completed all three of the contest steps, then that person will win the prize for each step and receive a total of $300.00.
Thank you for using The Vail [WINDOWS-1252?]Valley’s Best Vacation Planning Web site, as easy as
1. 2. 3. Now you can find the best deals and up-to-date information on lodging, events, activities, restaurants and more.
*For complete contest rules and restrictions, please visit